Summer Eating, Recipes, and Grilling Tips

Summer Eating, Recipes, and Grilling Tips By Jessica Yoches, MNT What are the best foods to consume in the hot summer months? According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the body craves light, cooling, and refreshing foods in the summer, such as the abundance of fruits and vegetables in season. Plants go through the cycle of sprouting, leafing, flowering, and fruiting. Sprouts and leafy greens debut in the Spring, followed by the flowering or fruiting of the plant in the summer when we get to enjoy broccoli “flowers”and fruits like peaches and watermelon. Summer grilling is a popular way to cook both meat and vegetables as it is outside, out of the kitchen, and easy to cook for crowds or entertaining. Grilling is a healthy way to cook food if done correctly; a few tips for optimal grilling methods follow: Well done meat contains toxic compounds called heterocyclic amines, or HCAs, that are produced from the meat’s amino acids and sugars when exposed to high temperatures. Cut off the charred parts of the meat as they contain the highest HCA levels. Bacon and pork have the highest HCA levels, followed by beef, chicken, and fish. Grilled fruits and vegetables are non-toxic as they do not contain amino acids; they are fine cooked at high temperatures. Marinating meat, even just for a few minutes, significantly reduces HCAs. Use a vinegar-based but sugarless marinade; sugar from conventional barbeque sauces contain triple the HCA levels. Turmeric, garlic, spices, gluten-free soy sauce or coconut aminos, lemon or citrus, and fresh herbs are tasty and anti-carcinogenic marinade options. At The Healing Center Denver we help distinguish individual food allergies and sensitivities. Because many...

Giving your Prostate the Finger

Giving your Prostate the Finger By Erik Johnson L.Ac. MSTCM, BD, DNM The prostate’s name origin comes from Greece, where it is roughly translated as “the one that stands before” or the “protector”. This important organ in male reproductive health plays a vital role in the controlled release of urine and in the assistance of producing an alkaline substance that aids in the health of seminal fluid. As the name implies, this organ is a fundamental piece in male reproduction and daily health. Today, it is estimated that by the age of 80 over 90% of men will experience some sort of disorder with his prostate gland in the form of benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostatitis, and/or prostate cancer. Unfortunately, there is not a known cure for these prostate related disorders and current treatment plans are only used to minimize common symptoms. If left untreated, these disorders can lead to further complications such as: bladder stones, bladder infections, and urinary retention issues, which could require additional medical treatments or procedures.The biological mechanism of the various prostate disorders is still widely debated. Treatment options are only limited to mitigating symptomatic representations, and often these western medical treatment options come with unwanted side effects. However, new research is being done to show that that “alternative” therapy options such as acupuncture and Chinese medicine can be effective mono therapies or adjunct therapies to western medicine as it relates to prostate health in males. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Out of all the prostate related disorders, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is the most common urological condition caused by the non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland as men...

The Incredible Edible Egg

The Incredible Edible Egg By, Lisa Biederman, CNTP At The Healing Center Denver, we focus on the bio individuality of each patient. Many patients have allergies or sensitivities to eggs and benefit from avoiding them. For those that can eat eggs, we always recommend free range eggs from pastured raised chickens. Based on studies, these nutrient-dense eggs have twice the amount of Omega 3s than their caged counterparts. Eggs are packed with protein, amino acids, vitamins, minerals and choline, which is a nutrient important for cell membranes and brain health. This delicious gluten-free pancake recipe from The Paleo Mom is a great way to use your nutrient-rich pasture raised eggs. Perfect Paleo PancakesPrep time: 5 minutes Cook time: 10-20 minutes (depending on the size of your skillet) Servings:  6 large 5-6″ diameter pancakes Ingredients: 2 large green plantains (about 2 cups pureed) 4eggs 2 tsp vanilla 3 Tbsp extra virgin coconut oil 1/8 tsp salt (a generous pinch) ½ tsp baking soda Extra coconut oil for frying Peel plantains (I find it easier to quarter them before I peel them) and place pieces in yourblender (preferred) or food processor (okay) with the eggs. Blend to form a smooth batter. Add the rest of the ingredients to the blender or food processor and process on high for an additional minute (or 2-3 with a food processor to get a really good smooth batter). Heat 1 Tbsp of coconut oil in a frying pan or on a griddle over medium-high heat. Pour batter into the frying pan until your pancake is the desired size. Let cook 4-5 minutes on the first side, until the top looks fairly dry...

What Is the Best Form of Vitamin D?

What Is the Best Form of Vitamin D? Spring is here, which means longer days of sunshine and increased access to the UVB rays that activate the body’s own Vitamin D production in your skin. This is critical for optimum immune function, especially if you have Hashimoto’s, MS, Celiac disease, Lupus, or another autoimmune condition. However, around 50% of the nation is deficient in this crucial nutrient for these reasons: Insufficient exposure to sunlight without sunscreen (even an SPF 8 sunscreen can block UVB rays by 100%) Low fat diets and diets low in foods with Vitamin D Poor functioning digestive system, liver, gallbladder, kidneys, or pancreas Obesity Darker Skin Living at Northern Latitudes, such as in Colorado, where the Earth’s atmosphere blocks almost all the UVB rays; from November to March all rays are blocked, making supplemental Vitamin D imperative. Medications such as steroids and antacids that block its absorption Vitamin D absorption is a complicated process that relies on many factors Vitamin D Absorption and Micellization and Fat Because it is fat-soluble, Vitamin D must be consumed in the presence of healthy fats and with a proper functioning gallbladder, digestive tract, and pancreas; a low fat diet fails to support absorption, as does impaired organ function. Ideal Vitamin D levels in your blood are 80-100 ng/ml. When supplementation is needed, the form of Vitamin D really matters; for example, the powder form of Vitamin D is the least bioavailable.What is the best form? Either Vitamin D in an oil or fat base, or the micellized form, which includes a fat, are the two best sources. Micellization is a process that mimics the body’s break down of...

What Causes Thyroid Disorders & How To Help Treat Them

What Causes Thyroid Disorders & How To Help Treat Them Hi, I’m Dr. Marie Starling As your Denver Functional Medicine specialist, we help people like you reach their full potential. We specialize in adjunctive care for internal disorders, autoimmune conditions, IBS, thyroid symptoms, diabetes, and other complex health issues. The thyroid is responsible for regulating metabolism in every cell of the body. Many people come to The Healing Center with unresolved issues relating to thyroid. Symptoms include fatigue, hair loss, weight gain or loss, brain fog, low libido, mood imbalances, cold hands and feet, muscle and joint pain, dry skin and hair, constipation or diarrhea. Commonly, we see Hashimoto’s, which is an autoimmune disease where the immune system attacks the tissue of the thyroid. 97% of people with hypothyroidism actually have Hashimoto’s, but many have never had their antibodies checked so are unaware of having this autoimmune condition. How does the thyroid work? The hypothalamus, which is located in your brain, produces TRH (thyrotropin releasing hormone.) This stimulates the pituitary, which is at the base of the brain, to produce TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone.) TSH stimulates the thyroid to make two kinds of thyroid hormones. About 93% of the thyroid hormones made by our bodies is T4, which is a storage form of thyroid hormone and cannot act on your metabolism. 7% of the hormones made by the thyroid is T3 which is an active form and influences metabolism. Free t3 is the most bioavailable form and binds to the receptor. It goes into every cell in your body and gives us energy. What are the patterns we see in thyroid dysfunction? Low production pattern at...

What The Color & Shape Of Your Stool Means

What The Color & Shape Of Your Stool Means Hi, I’m Dr. Marie Starling At The Healing Center, your Denver Functional Medicine specialist, we help people like you reach their full potential. We specialize in adjunctive care for internal disorders, autoimmune conditions, IBS, thyroid symptoms, diabetes, and other complex health issues. Quality The following is known as The Bristol Stool Scale, which was first published in the Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology in the late 1990’s. This general guide was created by a group of researchers at the University of Bristol as a way to examine a correlation between physical stool appearance and colon health: Type 1: These small pellets often resemble deer or rabbit poop. It can mean that the stool is staying in the intestines for too long and its water content is being overly absorbed into the body. This is considered a form of constipation and the patient may experience multiple days between bowel movements. The most common causes of this constipation are dehydration, a lack of dietary fiber, and/or medications. Type 2: It is similar to the Type 1 stool, but formed into larger pieces. This typically indicates a less severe form of constipation, but can lead to more issues due to the size of the rough stool (ex: rectal bleeding, prolapsed hemorrhoid, diverticulitis, etc…). Type 3: While still showing some minor signs of dryness, this stool is closer to an ideal range for a patient. As long as there is little straining, this is considered a healthy stool. Type 4: This stool most closely resembles a well formed banana and is considered the healthiest appearance of a stool. Most patients with this stool type...

GMO’s and Your Health

GMO's and Your Health Hi, I’m Dr. Marie Starling At The Healing Center Denver, we help people like you reach their full potential by being your Denver, CO Functional Medicine specialist. We  specialize in adjunctive care for internal disorders, autoimmune conditions, IBS, thyroid symptoms, diabetes, adrenal fatigue and other complex health issues. By Jessica Yoches, CNTP, MNT and Dr. Marie Starling GMO’s, or genetically modified organisms, permeate today’s food supply and are of major concern because of their impact on health, hormone balance, and the micro-biome. According to one report, “More than 80% of the foods we eat on a daily basis contain one or more types of GMOs. 1″ Unfortunately, food manufacturers are not required to label genetically modified foods.GMO consumption contributes to a leaky gut, the foundation of our health and a major issue we see at The Healing Center. Minimizing contributing factors for leaky gut is critical for increasing your health.  At The Healing Center Denver, we practice functional medicine and specialize in autoimmune conditions, healing a leaky gut, providing detoxification support and more, as well as resolving complicated and unresolved issues. Adding toxic substances to the body is not ideal, especially for those with Hashimoto’s, MS, Lupus, Celiac disease, or methylation impairment from Gene Snips and MTHFR.GMO Facts GMO foods serve two purposes: first, they are altered genetically to exhibit desired traits. For example, attaining uniform size or color for a tomato. Genes from the DNA of one species are extracted and artificially forced into the genes of an unrelated plant to exhibit a desired trait. The foreign genes may come from bacteria, viruses, insects, animals or humans. Second, GMO crops are grown to be resistant to pests and chemicals, such as Roundup, or...

qEEg and Neurofeedback

qEEg and Neurofeedback Lisa Biederman, CNTP At The Healing Center Denver, we are committed to giving you access to your full potential. To help optimize brain function, we are proud to announce the addition of qEEGs and neurofeedback sessions to our services offered. Who is a candidate for qEEG/Neurofeedback? qEEG (Quantitative Electroencephalogram)is a diagnostic tool that measures electrical activity in the form of brain wave patterns sometimes called ‘brain mapping’. A qEEG can reveal brain wave patterns that are associated with impulsivity, cognitive inflexibility, anxiety, and other symptoms associated with:  ADD/ADHD Addiction Anxiety Autism Brain Fog Brain Imbalances Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Concussion Depression Eating Disorders Energy Epilepsy Insomnia Lyme Disease Memory Migraines Mood Multiple Sclerosis OCD Parkinson’s PTSD Raynaud’s Schizophrenia TMJ and tooth grinding Tourette’s syndrome Traumatic brain injury What are the 3 areas of the neurological rehab that must be done to create optimum brain function and eliminate symptoms? Neurochemistry Neural Pathways Brain Waves What is a qEEG? Quantitative EEG or Brain Mapping enables us to look at the electrical activity of the brain to derive quantitative patterns that may correspond to diagnostic information and cognitive strengths and deficits.  It lets us know how your brain cells are communicating and which brain waves are underactive and/or overactive so that we can design a personalized plan to help regulate your brain waves. How long does a QEEG take? A qEEG takes approximately 30 minutes. How does it work? An elastic cap with sensors is placed on the head using to electrode gel to measure brainwave patterns. We record your brainwave patterns with both eyes closed and eyes open. When we have the...

What Is Leaky Gut?

What Is Leaky Gut? Hi, I’m Dr. Marie Starling At The Healing Center Denver, we help people like you reach their full potential by being your Denver, CO, Functional Medicine specialist. We specialize in adjunctive care for internal disorders, autoimmune conditions, IBS, thyroid symptoms, diabetes, and other complex health issues. Figuring Out What’s Wrong… What Is Leaky Gut? Are you dealing with any of these health issues: Suffering with fatigue? Living life by force of will? Do you gain 5 pounds in a day? Have bloating after you eat? Do your stools change? Pain in your belly? Been told you don’t have Celiac but still reacting to gluten? Do you feel fuzzy in your brain? Can’t remember things? Starting to lose your memory? Thyroid issues? Skin issues? You could have a multitude of issues, but they often fundamentally come down to the shape your gut is in. How intact is the barrier in your belly between the outside world and the inside world? Is it keeping out what’s supposed to be kept out? Or, is it letting things leak in? We call that Leaky Gut. Leaky gut is the breakdown between the tight junctions of the single layer of cells in your intestines that keeps the outside world of the intestinal lumen and the inside world of your bloodstream and lymph system separate. Leaky gut occurs when the barrier of your intestine breaks down, often in response to multiple insults that can be simultaneous. Gluten Free or Not? Do you react to gluten even though your lab results are negative? Standard lab tests for gluten sensitivity and celiac panels often come back...

Elana’s Pantry -An Indispensible Resource for Grain Free and Paleo Recipes

Elana's Pantry -An Indispensible Resource for Grain Free and Paleo Recipes By Jessica Yoches, CNTP, MNTAt At The Healing Center Denver, we focus care on the principles of functional medicine and see patients with autoimmune conditions like Hashimoto’s, as well as leaky gut, food allergies, adrenal fatigue and much more. Each patient ultimately follows a diet specific to their own needs, but most are anti-inflammatory in nature, eliminating gluten, dairy, grains, or other potential allergenic foods. Recipes are crucial during the healing process and after; finding new, easy, and exciting recipes helps facilitate sticking to a healthy and delicious diet and lifestyle. Luckily, we have access to Elana’s Pantry, an online resource of recipes organized by diet type.These diet types include: Candida Diet Gluten-free Egg-free Dairy-free Ketogenic Grain-free Low-carb Nut-free Paleo Specific Carb Vegan Vegetarian Whole30 Multiple Sclerosis Elana Amsterdam is based out of Boulder, CO and has written numerous paleo and gluten-free cookbooks. Her website is: One yummy recipe she features is gluten-free, dairy-free, and egg-free, chocolate chip cookies: Primal Chocolate Chip Cookies Ingredients: 2 cups blanched almond flour (not almond meal) ¼ teaspoon celtic sea salt ½ teaspoon baking soda ¼ cup palm shortening 2 tablespoons honey 1 tablespoon vanilla extract ½ cup chocolate chips Instructions Combine almond flour, salt, and baking soda in a food processor Pulse in shortening, honey, and vanilla until dough forms Remove blade from processor and stir in chocolate chunks by hand Scoop dough one level tablespoon at a time onto a parchment paper lined baking sheet Press balls of dough down gently Bake at 350° for 6-8 minutes Cool for 15 minutes (do not handle prior or cookies will break)...