Why Your Gut Microbiome Needs 50-200 Different Plant Foods Monthly

Why Your Gut Microbiome Needs 50-200 Different Plant Foods Monthly What do humans, animals, plants, and even the ocean have in common? They each have a community of microorganisms called the microbiome living together inside of them, using their bodies as a habitat. Our microbiome is everywhere in our bodies- on our skin, in our mouths, in our gut. Our intestinal microbiota, or gut flora, and the gut barrier determine gut health. Inside the gut are about 100 trillion live microorganisms that promote normal gastrointestinal function, protect the body from infection, and regulate metabolism and the mucosal immune system.This living community has a huge role in keeping us healthy. It is important to keep our microbiome abundant with a variety of different good bacteria and their food is the fiber we eat…more variety of veggies and fruits = more variety of good bacteria!! Some of the strong influencers that negatively impact microbiome’s diversity are: Pharmaceutical use Antibiotics (trace amounts in industrial meat and cheese and oral therapy) Limited diets and low nutrition (Standard American Diet) Infections Sex hormone imbalance Environmental toxins Cesarean at birth With the presence of these factors, your gut microbiome becomes out of balance, less versatile, more compromised, and less diverse. This in turn makes you more at risk for health issues such as asthma, allergies, and autoimmunity. Unfortunately, autoimmunity and allergies are a direct result of a disrupted microbiome. Inarguably the factor that has the greatest impact on our gut microbiome is diet. In fact, you can change and promote your microbiome by increasing plant nutrition diversity and quantity. Plant-based food is the fuel that our gut bacteria need to thrive. Diets that are...