Your Guide to Eliminating Chronic Fatigue (Part 2 of 10) Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Your Gut

Your Guide to Eliminating Chronic Fatigue (Part 2 of 10) Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Your Gut By Michal Cooling, CNTP As your functional medicine specialist in Denver, we have a holistic, whole-person view as well as molecular view, with tools and testing to evaluate the biochemistry of cells, tissues, and organs. We seek to find the exact imbalance in your body, the underlying cause for that imbalance, and the individualized solution. With this approach, we view chronic fatigue differently than traditional medicine does, and usually find there is usually a network of things contributing towards this fatigue and other related symptoms. Our Top Ten Strategies for Eliminating Chronic Fatigue These are the top ten most common causes of chronic fatigue that we see, which are often not addressed by conventional or even holistic practitioners: Auto-Immunity Gut Function / Nutrient Imbalances / Poor Absorption Hidden Food Sensitivities Hidden Infections Brain Imbalance Emotional / Stress/ Post-Trauma Sleep Issues and Their Underlying Causes Hormone Imbalances (Thyroid, Adrenal, Sex) Toxicity Detoxification and Metabolism Impairment Today, Our Focus is on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and Your Gut A little bloating, heartburn, constipation, gas, or diarrhea, though annoying, may not seem that significant. But in reality, it is central to your entire health and connected to everything that happens in your body. All systems rely on a healthy digestive system. The link between gut function and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) has been proven, but why haven’t we heard about it in conventional medicine? Perhaps, there just simply is no model in conventional medicine for successfully addressing the underlying causes. Nevertheless, we can’t ignore the connection or its impact on full recovery. Let’s explore the basis for this connection. Physician...