7 Steps For A Healthy Thyroid

7 Steps For A Healthy Thyroid Hi, I’m Dr. Marie Starling At The Healing Center, your Denver Functional Medicine specialist,  we help people like you reach their full potential. I specialize in adjunctive care for internal disorders, autoimmune conditions, IBS, thyroid symptoms, diabetes, and other complex health issues. The thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate the body’s metabolic rate as well as heart and digestive function, muscle control, brain development, and mood and bone maintenance. Unfortunately, it is all too common we see patients in our office with thyroid conditions. Indicators of possible thyroid issues include: Autoimmune conditions Fatigue GI tract issues such as gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea Weight gain Hair and skin issues Sleeping problems Muscle weakness At The Healing Center Denver, we are experts in thyroid care. We specialize in getting to the root cause of your health issues using a holistic, functional medicine approach. We have come up with 7 steps you can take to have healthy thyroid function. We help guide our patients in these steps to help them access their full potential of health— including thyroid health! Step 1: Autoimmune Disorders and Vitamin D One important step to taking care of your thyroid is to find out if you have antibodies to gluten and dairy. Signs of an autoimmune disorder may make you more at risk for thyroid issues. Another important factor in your thyroid health is optimum levels vitamin D. Vitamin D plays a big role is maintaining a strong immune system. Make sure you get your vitamin D levels checked as well. In our office, we offer an array of different lab testing customized to your specific case. Step 2: Fix...