How Emotions Affect Your Health: Drop the Emotional Baggage for Good

How Emotions Affect Your Health Hi, I’m Dr. Marie Starling At The Healing Center Denver, we help people like you reach their full potential. I specialize in adjunctive care for internal disorders, autoimmune conditions, IBS, thyroid symptoms, diabetes, adrenal fatigue and other complex health issues. Every day each of us experiences an array of emotions that can range from pure illation to the worst kind of grief, sometimes making it feel like we’re on an emotional rollercoaster. Though most emotions leave the body after they are experienced, some will latch on, continuing to have a negative effect without us consciously knowing. Before we dive into why some emotions get stuck in our bodies, it is first important to know that every living being has both a physical body and an energetic body, both of which are made of pure energy. The main difference between this visible physical body and its invisible energy field is the frequency at which they both vibrate. Our physical body, when broken down to the smallest building blocks of life is made of subatomic particles, which are just incredibly small units of energy. Our energy field, which runs through our entire body, provides a template for this physical body to base itself. Just like our two bodies, emotions are also made of vibrating energy and each have their own distinct frequency. What we need to be aware of is that as we experience the ups and downs of life, these emotional energies can get stuck in our energy field, thus creating imbalances in the energetic template of our body. Unfortunately, these invisible imbalances can have physical impacts if left uncorrected. In this article, we’ll...