Thyroid issues are NOT normal

Thyroid issues are NOT normal Google can tell you a lot of things about your thyroid gland. Go ahead and search for it. “The thyroid is a small gland in your throat that produces hormones such as T3 and T4”. Phew, I feel better now knowing that information…said no one ever.  The reality is that the thyroid does SO MUCH MORE than we are ever taught unless you major in human physiology. The thyroid is crucial for:  Body temperature regulation Regulating your metabolism Energy production Quality of sleep Moisturizing of your skin and hair growth Bathroom Regularity Now, hands up if you struggle with at least one of these. Have you felt so completely cold to the core with no explanation, when it is sunny and 75 but you are freezing? How about you eat healthy, exercise, and practice your meditation, but you still haven’t lost a pound? Your hair breaks easily or won’t grow past a certain point? Fatigue is your middle name? ( This was me for 20 years!) You are NOT alone!  According to the American Thyroid Assoc., 20 million Americans will experience some sort of thyroid condition during their lifetime and no one seems to know why! Why your thyroid is having issues is complex and we have to really look not only at the actual pattern of dysfunction but the root issues that allow those dysfunctions to occur. This is why just taking thyroid hormones isn’t ever really enough. If no one has spoken to you about why your thyroid isn’t working optimally then you are missing the very thing your body is trying to...

The Microbiome

The Microbiome Your microbiome is an interactive, what's-going-on-in-the-outside-world interface, where your immune system sits guard and the bacteria that live there pay rent in vitamins, fuel for intestinal cells and crowd control (think bad bacteria, fungus, virus, and parasites). You have a two way communication network between the brain and the gut and it affects everything from your mood to your immune system. It's a big deal. The microbiome is made up of a hundred trillion bacteria that live in your gut and there is more genetic material in the bacteria of the microbiome than we have in our DNA! It’s the largest component to your digestive system, clears at least 50% of our waste products, when out of balance is the root cause of Estrogen dominance, mental decline & brain fog, weight gain, mood disorders like Depression and anxiety and fatigue etc..  Managing your microbiome is THE key to your health.  You have a microbiome issue if: You have taken antibiotics…EVER! Antibiotics are designed to kill bacteria in the body. However, it does not distinguish between the good bacteria and the bad bacteria, so it just kills it all. If you have taken antibiotics at any point in your lifetime, you need to recolonize the good bacteria and nourish your gut. This includes low levels of antibiotics in conventional meat as well as glyphosate (roundup) on nonorganic grains which acts like an antibiotic. You bloat, have loose stool, constipation or have gas after every meal:  If you are bloating or having gas after every meal, it is likely that you have an imbalance in your microbiome. Loose stool or...