How To Powerfully Manage The Holidays Hi, I’m Dr. Marie Starling As your Denver Functional Medicine specialist, we help people like you reach their full potential. I specialize in adjunctive care for internal disorders, autoimmune conditions, IBS, thyroid symptoms, diabetes, and other complex health issues. How To Powerfully Manage The Holidays By: Mary Beth Gudewicz, RMT, CNTP, MNT It’s that time of the year with family gatherings and holiday meals that, while exciting, can also be nerve-racking. Questions arise on how to eat on your lifestyle plan and how to manage holiday parties when the people around you eat anything under the sun. We explored these ideas and more during my presentation on October 26. Below are some of the key points that were addressed. Friends and family come out of the woodwork this time of the year, wanting to get together because they haven’t seen you in an age. They suggest getting together at a restaurant and catch up up over a nice meal. Those of us with food restrictions probably feel that knot start to swell in our gut at the thought of what am I going to eat at the restaurant? An easy technique to avoid this kind of stress is to suggest meeting for coffee instead. There is always something on that menu you can enjoy, whether coffee or tea. If dinner is the only option because it is a company dinner, family gathering, etc. choose to eat before you go to the restaurant. Then while there you can have a salad or an appetizer such as hummus and veggies. Unwinding is key during the hectic pace of the...
A Closer Look at Mammograms, Thermograms and Ultrasounds Hi, I’m Dr. Marie Starling As your Functional Medicine specialist in Denver, we help people like you reach their full potential. We specialize in adjunctive care for internal disorders, autoimmune conditions, IBS, thyroid symptoms, diabetes, and other complex health issues. With October being National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I am re-posting The Healing Center’s blog written by Mary Beth Gudewicz, which discusses a few different methods which screen the breast tissue. She includes a chart regarding what the different methods look at and their specificity. But first, I want to share a couple thoughts regarding this increasing epidemic. Let’s look at the analogy of a fish in a bowl of dirty water. You can give the fish the healthiest form of fish food, put drops in it’s water, talk to it and love it, but it is going to continue to get sick unless you change the water! We want the terrain of our bodies and environment to be a place that promotes health versus a place where disease flourishes. The perfect storm for cancer is: Low Nutrient, Low Oxygen, High Acid. Biochemically, if we change our terrain to a high nutrient, high oxygen, low acid, and high alkaline environment, it makes it difficult for cancer and other diseases to continue to grow. In Health, Dr. Caitlin Landerholm A Closer Look at Mammograms, Thermograms and Ultrasounds By: Mary Beth Gudewicz, CNTP, MNT Mammogram, thermogram, ultrasound: which option to choose is a question we have been getting frequently here at The Healing Center. Choosing the right one for you can be difficult. So let’s break it down. By definition a mammogram is a test that uses x-rays to produce an image that shows a shadow...
Leaky Gut Triggers Hi, I’m Dr. Marie Starling As your Denver Functional Medicine specialist, we help people like you reach their full potential. I specialize in adjunctive care for internal disorders, autoimmune conditions, IBS, thyroid symptoms, diabetes, and other complex health issues. By: Mary Beth Gudewicz CNTP, MNT You may have heard the term “leaky gut” used at The Healing Center Denver as a diagnosis and still don’t understand what it truly means. It sounds like a catch term about conditions that people can’t really give you a clear picture. So let me break it down for you. Leaky gut, by definition, is “increased intestinal permeability or intestinal hyper permeability that happens when tight junctions in the gut, which control what passes through the lining of the small intestine, don’t work properly. This leads to substances leaking into the bloodstream”.[1] We have this barrier for a reason. It is designed to protect the internal environment and to filter nutrients and other biological substances. When this barrier is compromised, undigested proteins, fats, bacteria, toxins, and waste that is not normally absorbed can leak out of the intestines and into the blood stream. [2] This increases inflammation in the body leading to an autoimmune reaction. Some symptoms you may experience are abdominal bloating, excessive gas and cramps, fatigue, food sensitivities, joint pain, skin rashes and autoimmunity. [3] So what leads to leaky gut? Let’s explore the triggers and some ways to start healing your gut. Triggers for leaky gut include: Chronic stress Illness Antibiotic use Blood sugar dysregulation such as hypoglycemia Exposure to environmental toxins such as chemicals and pesticides Hormone changes such as pregnancy...
Say Goodbye to "Vitamin D Winter" in Colorado and Get Your Sunshine Vitamin Today PUBLISHED ON MAY 18, 2015 Hi, I’m Dr. Marie Starling At The Healing Center Denver, we help people like you reach their full potential. I specialize in adjunctive care for internal disorders, autoimmune conditions, IBS, thyroid symptoms, diabetes, and other complex health issues. It is officially spring in Colorado and by now we are all aware of the importance of Vitamin D in many aspects of our health from healthy bones to protection from cancer, heart disease, and autoimmune diseases. Although it is known as the “Sunshine Vitamin” you are not always getting Vitamin D when the sun is shining. In fact it is estimated that 50% of the population in North America are Vitamin D deficient. Our mechanism for making Vitamin D depends on the availability of UVB rays and as you will read in this article from the Vitamin D Council, anyone above latitudes of 37° north of the equator and below latitudes of 37° south of the equator experience what is known as a “Vitamin D Winter” in which no UVB rays can penetrate the ozone and thus shuts down our ability to make our own Vitamin D. What you need to know: Your body is designed to make its own Vitamin D with exposure to the UVB rays of the sun. Just 10-15 minutes of sun exposure depending on your skin color (chest, arms, legs, torso- think 40% of your body) between 10 AM-2 PM will give you 10,000 IUs of Vitamin D. When your skin is pink to the touch, you’ve made 10,000 IUs of Vitamin D, do...
Cyrex Array 10 - Assessing Immune Reactivity To Foods Hi, I’m Dr. Marie Starling At The Healing Center Denver, we help people like you reach their full potential. I specialize in adjunctive care for internal disorders, autoimmune conditions, IBS, thyroid symptoms, diabetes, and other complex health issues. Cyrex Array 10 – Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen By lucinda on March 23, 2015 Through her ongoing continuing education, Dr. Starling strives to bring the most up to date research and testing to her practice. As a result, we are pleased to announce the addition of Cyrex Laboratories Array 10 – Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen. Why use Cyrex Array 10: To evaluate immune reactions to foods, raw and/or modified, food enzymes, lectins and artificial food additives, including meat glue, colorings and gums. For early detection of dietary-related triggers of autoimmune reactivity. To monitor the effectiveness of customized dietary protocol in patient. (Cyrex Laboratories, LLC, 2015) What does Cyrex Array 10 test? 180 common food antigens cooked, raw and modified: Heat changes the protein structure of foods thus presenting a different antigen to the body. For example, one may react to broccoli when it’s raw versus cooked or one may react to roasted almonds but not react to raw almonds. Cross-reactivity of food antigens with human tissue: Cyrex has identified certain food antigens that cross-react with human tissues. When antibodies are produced to the food antigen and there is any gut permeability, this presents an opportunity for the antibodies to attack the human tissue causing tissue damage, autoimmune reactivity and eventual autoimmune disease. Multiple food protein interactions: One may not react to certain foods individually but may react...
Why Hugs Feel Good Hi, I’m Dr. Marie Starling At The Healing Center Denver, we help people like you reach their full potential. I specialize in adjunctive care for internal disorders, autoimmune conditions, IBS, thyroid symptoms, diabetes, adrenal fatigue and other complex health issues. By: Mary Beth Gudewicz, CNTP, MNT You wake up and realize your alarm didn’t go off, you have to get the kids to school while getting yourself to work and that is just the beginning of your day. You meet a friend for lunch and she takes one look at you and then gives you a long hug. All of a sudden you feel calm. Ever wonder why? It’s because there is a physiological response that is triggered in our body when we are hugging or being hugged. Science has been researching what a hug does to our body, how it responds and the mechanisms involved. The mechanisms involved in the body are the hormone oxytocin and the neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin. Oxytocin is a hormone that is secreted by the pituitary gland and acts as a neuromodulator, a neuron that uses one or more neurotransmitters to regulate other neurons, in the brain. This hormone is secreted by the body during childbirth and in breastfeeding where it stimulates release of milk. This was thought to be its only function, but newer research has shown that it has many more effects such as improving social skills, fighting stress and encouraging trust. The skin contains Pacinian corpuscles, tiny egg-shaped pressure centers that can sense touch and are in contact with the brain through the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is...
Fighting The Holiday Stress Hi, I’m Dr. Marie Starling At The Healing Center Denver, we help people like you reach their full potential. I specialize in adjunctive care for internal disorders, autoimmune conditions, IBS, thyroid symptoms, diabetes, and other complex health issues. Written By LuCinda Miller The holidays are upon us! Although the holidays are full of celebration, they can also be a great source of stress for many. Dealing with crowds and long lines, attending back to back parties, eating too much, drinking too much, along with exercising too little and sleeping too little can take a toll on even the jolliest of souls. Here are a few tips to help make it through this holiday season: Sunshine - Get outside on a sunny day. Research has shown that sun exposure boosts serotonin levels known to improve mood and fight off the winter blues. (Lambert GW1, 2002) Exercise – Exercise releases endorphins, natural chemicals your body uses to combat pain and stress. Listen to your body and do what feels good that day whether it’s as gentle as a short walk or as strenuous as an hour long class. Your body knows what will rejuvenate and what will deplete, listen. Organize – Keep your calendar updated and remember to choose carefully what you allow on it! Grant yourself permission to pick and choose the events you want to attend and not choose them out of obligation or guilt. Keep to-do lists handy, staying organized can help you feel a sense of control in the midst of the chaos. Sleep – Sleep is your body’s time to rest and restore. Without it, we are less...
Cooking Oils and Fats: How to Use Them In Your Diet Hi, I’m Dr. Marie Starling As your functional medicine specialist in Denver, we help people like you reach their full potential. We specialize in adjunctive care for internal disorders, autoimmune conditions, IBS, thyroid symptoms, diabetes, and other complex health issues. By: Mary Beth Gudewicz, CNTP, MNT There is so much information on the market about which oils and fats can be used for cooking and which ones should be used in a salad or drizzled on top of cooked vegetables. Handling of nuts, seeds and their oils require extreme care. When oils and fats are either heated past their smoke point or used in high heat cooking, the fats start to break down releasing free radicals. Free radicals will attack your body’s cells leading to inflammation and eventually diseases such as heart disease, cancer, ulcerative colitis, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s and rheumatoid arthritis. Oils, nuts and seeds that are not properly stored or packaged go rancid. For example, flaxseed oil needs to be stored in the refrigerator and must be kept in light, protective, opaque containers. On the other hand, olive oil does not need to be refrigerated. Some oils should be used in high-heat cooking and others in medium-heat cooking (200-300 degrees Fahrenheit) and others should only be used in low-heating conditions such as when you make soup or as part of your salad dressing. Believe it or not handling fats and oils requires extreme care, so let’s explore which ones are best for the job. The key is to choose unprocessed fats over processed fats because processed fats are...
Food is Your Best Medicine: The Benefits of Bone Broth Hi, I’m Dr. Marie Starling At The Healing Center Denver, we help people like you reach their full potential. I specialize in adjunctive care for internal disorders, autoimmune conditions, IBS, thyroid symptoms, diabetes, and other complex health issues. By Jessica Yoches, CNTP While cooler, Fall weather calls for nourishing soups and stews and the pleasant smells of them warming on the stove, it also invokes the worry of possible colds and the flu. Turns out soup is just what the body is asking for: homemade bone broth is an inexpensive, effective antidote for preventing and healing colds or the flu, while also supplying important minerals and nutrients for overall health. As the popular book series indicates, chicken soup is good for the soul! Bone broth has remained a traditional household staple across many cultures and countries since the 12th Century and is just as therapeutic even after 2000 years. The elimination of bone broth in the diet correlates with comprised health and disease. Canned broth or bouillon cubes won’t cut it; no substitute can recreate the magic of homemade broth. But why is homemade bone broth so beneficial? Benefits The benefits of homemade bone broth are numerous and include: Easy to digest and rich in highly absorbable minerals. Full of bone-building minerals like Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Silicon, Sulphur, and other trace minerals that support healthy bone formation. No artificial ingredients, preservatives, or side effects Contains boiled down cartilage and tendons that support joint health. Compounds such as glycosaminoglycan’s, glucosamine, and chondroitin sulphates are released while cooking. These compounds alleviate joint pain and arthritis more...
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Food Sensitivities -Your Guide to Eliminating Chronic Fatigue (Part 3 of 10) By Michal Cooling, CNTP At The Healing Center Denver we have a holistic, whole-person view as well as molecular view, with tools and testing to evaluate the biochemistry of cells, tissues, and organs. We seek to find the exact imbalance in your body, the underlying cause for that imbalance, and the individualized solution. With this approach, we view fatigue differently than traditional medicine, and usually find there is a network of things contributing towards this fatigue and other related symptoms. Our Top Ten Strategies for Eliminating Chronic Fatigue These are the top ten most common causes of chronic fatigue that we see, which are often not addressed by conventional or even holistic practitioners: Auto-Immunity Gut Function / Nutrient Imbalances / Poor Absorption Hidden Food Sensitivities Hidden Infections Brain Imbalance Emotional / Stress/ Post-Trauma Sleep Issues and Their Underlying Causes Hormone Imbalances (Thyroid, Adrenal, Sex) Toxicity Detoxification and Metabolism Impairment Food Sensitivities Food Sensitivities can also contribute to Chronic Fatigue. Delayed Reaction Food Sensitivities are common and most people don’t know they have them. Unlike the scary Food Allergies we all hear about, they usually don’t result in a quick rash or trouble breathing or outward sign that sends someone to the Emergency Room for life saving treatment. They can just cause a low grade inflammation that may only be felt 5 days later as fatigue. The resulting gastrointestinal inflammation can decrease absorption in the GI tract, resulting in many deficiencies we have already discussed. Many people are just tired, overweight, retain water, have redness to the face,...
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