CYREX ARRAY 5: Testing for Multiple Autoimmune Reactions Hi, I’m Dr. Marie Starling At The Healing Center Denver, we help people like you reach their full potential by being your Denver Functional Medicine specialist. We specialize in adjunctive care for internal disorders, autoimmune conditions, IBS, Celiac, thyroid symptoms, diabetes, and other complex health issues. By Jessica Yoches, CNTP, MNT / Caitlin Landerholm, DC What is autoimmunity? Autoimmunity is defined as an innate (non-specific) or adaptive (specific) immune response directed against a self-antigen. An autoimmunity that results in tissue and organ damage leading to a certain pathologic condition is referred to as an autoimmune disease. Autoimmune reactions are not limited to one area of the body, but can occur at various sites in the body simultaneously. One way to gauge the progress of autoimmune disease is measuring the level of autoantibodies. Autoantibodies are present when the human body reacts against its own tissue antigen. The Array 5 tests these levels of autoantibodies to see where the body attacks itself when an immune reaction occurs. Why is the Array 5 panel important? An estimated 1 in 4 Americans have some type of immune system dysfunction. A set of factors and stressors, unique to each individual, are what cause autoimmune disease. What are predisposing factors for developing Autoimmunity? Gender – Women are more susceptible to developing autoimmunity than men. Genetics – SNPs, or single nucleotide polymorphisms, and family history Environmental – Toxic chemicals, heavy metals, solvents, infections, antigenic food etc. Intestinal Dysbiosis -Intestinal permeability and inflammation increase chances of developing autoimmunity. The gut and immune system maintain oral tolerance. Compromised Oral Tolerance – Oral tolerance helps the body identify friend from foe....
Cyrex Array 4: Testing for Gluten-Associated Cross-Reactive Foods Hi, I’m Dr. Marie Starling As your Denver Functional Medicine specialist, we help people like you reach their full potential. We specialize in adjunctive care for internal disorders, autoimmune conditions, IBS, thyroid symptoms, diabetes, adrenal fatigue and other complex health issues. By Jessica Yoches, CNTP, MNT Even with the elimination of gluten from the diet for over six months, many patients that are gluten sensitive or that have Celiac Disease still experience gluten-like responses from foods they are consuming. If the patient is avoiding gluten, why is this reaction occurring? Many foods have dietary proteins or peptides that look similar to and cross react with gluten or gliadin. There is “antigenic similarity”, or “cross-reaction”, among many grains and other dietary proteins such as casein with gluten. The protein casein in dairy is a common culprit; about 50% of patients with Celiac Disease also have reactions to casein. These cross-reactive proteins are called antigens. The other grains that cross-react with gluten include: rice, corn, soy, millet, oats, rye, spelt, potatoes, yeast, tapioca, instant coffee, buckwheat, sesame, sorghum, teff, eggs, hemp, quinoa, and amaranth. Each patient has a unique set of foods and proteins to which they react. The introduction of new foods on a gluten free diet can cause reactions, or the overconsumption of grains or foods to replace gluten creates new sensitivities. Accidental consumption of gluten also happens from products such as chewing gum or products that contain “spices” or “natural flavors.” Most gluten-free products contain other grains that often cross-react with gluten and continue to cause reactions for the gluten sensitive patient. The Array 4 will detect antibodies to these foods and...
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