Most Dangerous Foods for Gluten Sensitivity, Celiac Disease, Gluten-free Diet #2--Yeast DR. DAVID CLARK, DC – RALEIGH-DURHAM-CHAPEL HILL FUNCTIONAL NEUROLOGIST- EXPLAINS EXACTLY WHAT CURRENT RESEARCH SAY ABOUT THE DANGER OF YEAST AND GLUTEN SENSITIVITY. I want to share with you the #2 most dangerous food you can eat if you’re gluten sensitive, have celiac disease or are following a gluten-free diet… YEAST (BAKER’S YEAST, BREWER’S YEAST) Again, I’m talking about brewer’s yeast and baker’s yeast. That type of yeast is called saccharomyces cerevisiae. You find it in many kinds of breads, beer, flavorings. IMPORTANT: Nutritional yeast is the SAME kind of yeast. I know a lot of you were already thinking about asking about it. Nutritional yeast is the #2 most dangerous food for gluten sensitivtiy, celiac disease and a gluten-free diet. Why is yeast such a problem? Answer: cross-reaction. About a year and a half, maybe two years ago, I published some very popular videos and blog posts on dangerous foods for persons suffering with gluten sensitivity. Yeast was one of the things I mentioned. In January 2013, the research paper by Dr. Aristo Vojdani (PhD immunologist) was published (Journal article here) that confirms the problem. Cross-reaction occurs when the antibodies that the body is making to tag one food (gluten, in our example) attach to a different food that is not the original food (Yeast). This is called cross reaction.In Celiac disease or gluten sensitivity (let’s not debate the semantics, they’re functionally the same thing) you have a problem with gluten. Your immune system is reacting to gluten and is trying to kill it, so it makes antibodies to tag the gluten. Antibodies are like little flashing, adhesive strobe...
Most Dangerous Foods for Gluten Sensitivity, Celiac Disease, Gluten-free Diet #1--Milk DR. DAVID CLARK, DC – RALEIGH-DURHAM-CHAPEL HILL FUNCTIONAL NEUROLOGIST- EXPLAINS EXACTLY WHAT CURRENT RESEARCH SAY ABOUT THE DANGER OF MILK AND GLUTEN SENSITIVITY. I’m going to share with you the recently confirmed number one danger to your health if you have gluten sensitivity, celiac disease…and that is consuming milk products. About a year and a half, maybe two years ago, I posted a very popular video on the danger of milk and gluten sensitivity. At that time I explained that the problem with milk and gluten sensitivity and celiac disease is the issue of cross-reaction: In January 2013, the research paper by Dr. Aristo Vojdani (PhD immunologist) was published that confirms the problem. THE BIGGEST DANGER IF YOU ARE GLUTEN-SENSITIVE…OR HAVE CELIAC DISEASE…OR ARE FOLLOWING A GLUTEN-FREE DIET…IS MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS It’s all about cross-reaction. So let me explain that. Cross reaction occurs when the antibodies that the body is making to tag one food (gluten, in our example) attach to a different food that is not the original food (milk products). This is called cross reaction. In Celiac disease or gluten sensitivity (let’s not debate the semantics, they’re functionally the same thing) you have a problem with gluten. Your immune system is reacting to gluten and is trying to kill it, so it makes antibodies to tag the gluten. Antibodies are like little flashing, adhesive strobe lights that are designed to attach onto the gluten protein so that the immune system cells can find it and try to kill it. When those antibodies attach to some food that’s NOT gluten -because that food looks SIMILAR...
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