qEEg and Neurofeedback
Lisa Biederman, CNTP
At The Healing Center Denver, we are committed to giving you access to your full potential. To help optimize brain function, we are proud to announce the addition of qEEGs and neurofeedback sessions to our services offered.
Who is a candidate for qEEG/Neurofeedback?
qEEG (Quantitative Electroencephalogram)is a diagnostic tool that measures electrical activity in the form of brain wave patterns sometimes called ‘brain mapping’. A qEEG can reveal brain wave patterns that are associated with impulsivity, cognitive inflexibility, anxiety, and other symptoms associated with:
- Addiction
- Anxiety
- Autism
- Brain Fog
- Brain Imbalances
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Concussion
- Depression
- Eating Disorders
- Energy
- Epilepsy
- Insomnia
- Lyme Disease
- Memory
- Migraines
- Mood
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Parkinson’s
- Raynaud’s
- Schizophrenia
- TMJ and tooth grinding
- Tourette’s syndrome
- Traumatic brain injury
What are the 3 areas of the neurological rehab that must be done to create optimum brain function and eliminate symptoms?
- Neurochemistry
- Neural Pathways
- Brain Waves
What is a qEEG?
Quantitative EEG or Brain Mapping enables us to look at the electrical activity of the brain to derive quantitative patterns that may correspond to diagnostic information and cognitive strengths and deficits. It lets us know how your brain cells are communicating and which brain waves are underactive and/or overactive so that we can design a personalized plan to help regulate your brain waves.
How long does a QEEG take?
A qEEG takes approximately 30 minutes.
How does it work?
An elastic cap with sensors is placed on the head using to electrode gel to measure brainwave patterns. We record your brainwave patterns with both eyes closed and eyes open. When we have the results, Dr. Pierce will meet with you to discuss a plan moving forward.
What is Neurofeedback?
Neurofeedback is a way to retrain brainwave patterns and guide your brain into an efficient, comfortable state. The brain is trained by receiving positive responses for being in a balanced state and learns to fire in an appropriate way.
What are the brain waves and what do they do?
- Alpha Waves: Alpha waves help us to be present in the moment. They promote mental coordination, calmness and alertness and help learning.
- Beta Waves: Beta waves are fast and help us to be attentive and alert. They are present when we focus and make decisions. Having high beta waves uses a tremendous amount of energy and is not highly efficient. Overproduction of beta waves can lead to fear and anxiety.
- Delta Waves: Delta waves are slow brainwaves that are generated in meditation and dreamless sleep.
- Theta Waves: Theta waves are often referred to as a twilight state.We experience this when we drift off to sleep or as we wake. Intuition and information beyond our normal conscious awareness is found in this state. They occur most often in sleep and meditation.
Delta/Theta Wave Imbalance
- Cognitive Impairment
- Impulsivity
- Hyperactivity
- Focus and Attention Issues
- Socially Inappropriate
- Easily distracted
- Excessive Speech
- Disorganized
- Hyper-emotional
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Dementia
- Learning Disorders
- Autism / Asperger’s
Alpha Wave Imbalance
- Depression
- Victim Mentality
- Excessive Self Concern
- Passive Aggressive
- Irritability
- Avoidance Behavior
- Rumination
- Anger
- Self-Deprecation
- Agitation
- Fibromyalgia
- Withdrawal Behavior
Beta Wave Imbalance
- Anxiety
- Migraine
- Tension Headaches
- Insomnia
- Obsessive Thinking
- Excessive Rationalization
- Poor Emotional Self-awareness
- Panic Attacks
- Worry
- Chronic Pain
- Hyper-vigilant
- Dislike Change
- Restless
Get in touch with our Functional Medicine Doctor in Denver today to discuss creating a customized functional medicine program designed specifically for you.