Managing Autoimmune Disorders
Your life isn’t going to end with suffering
There is a rise in autoimmune disorders across America. It is said that 1 in 5 Americans have an autoimmune disorder. At The Healing Center Denver, a vast majority of the patients walking into the office unknowingly have an autoimmune disorder, but have not been diagnosed. Through lab testing and looking at the whole body, our doctors, autoimmune specialists, end up being the ones giving answers to people who have been sick for months, even years. These patients often have a mixed bag of symptoms that no one has been able to help. Our doctors provide clarity and hope to our patients, and teach them how to manage their condition powerfully.
When one hears the word, “autoimmune”, it can leave a bad taste in the mouth. First of all, what is autoimmune? And second, what does that mean for the person? Let’s back up a little bit. Autoimmune, is defined by the Cleveland Clinic as, “the result of the immune system accidentally attacking your body instead of protecting it”. If you are autoimmune, your immune system, which is designed for attacking anything foreign in your body (bacterial infection, virus, etc.) is now using its forces to attack the very body parts that are keeping you alive. For instance, if you have type 1 diabetes, your body is attacking the pancreas. If you have rheumatoid arthritis, your body is attacking your joints. If you have hashimotos, your body is attacking your thyroid. Some autoimmune diseases are:
- Hashimotos Hypothyroid
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Celiac
- Psoriasis
- Hemolytic Anemia
- Crohn’s
- Grave’s Disease
- Lupus
So what does that mean for the person getting diagnosed with these disorders? Well, imagine if your army is supposed to be protecting you and instead it turns on you.
You could experience symptoms like:
- chronic fatigue
- pain
- depression/anxiety
- inflammation/swelling
- weight gain or weight loss
- brain fog
- Any symptom depending on the area being attacked
Those who are autoimmune, also have what we call, “flare ups”, where our immune system is suppressed and not working well so our symptoms get multiplied by, well, a lot.
It all sounds overwhelming, doesn’t it? It can be, however, with the help of autoimmune specialists, like Dr. Starling and Dr. Bogdan, there is hope of living a full life with the support of
- Therapies and supplements that are tailored to your genetics
- Figuring out foods that you react to, both permanent and temporary
- Eliminating toxins
- Eliminating infections that can be hidden
There is relief and you won’t be stuck living in suffering forever.
Additional therapeutic therapies for autoimmune patients, at The Healing Center Denver, could be
- Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF)
- GB4000
- Lymphatic protocol which consists of the vibe plate, trampoline, and the Chi Machine.
- Vagal Stimulation
- Neurofeedback with alpha-stim–FDA approved for anxiety, depression, and insomnia
- NET–Neuro Emotional Technique to eliminate hidden emotional blocks
All of these therapies support detoxification, energy production, and increased immune support.
The Low-Inflammation Nutrition Plan is designed to reduce inflammation in the body and provide good nutrition to the body to support the immune system, not suppress it. It allows a custom diet to be created for each patient. We utilize the best IgG antibody testing to see what permanent food issues and challenges for many reactions that get missed otherwise. The Low-Inflammation Nutrition Plan consists of:
- lots of organic vegetables: about 75% of your plate each meal should contain leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables, or root vegetables like sweet potatoes, carrots or parsnips. *Avoid Nightshades: potatoes, peppers, eggplants, mushrooms, and tomatoes*
- We love fats! Getting the right kind of fats in your meal is key! Cook with avocado oil, coconut oil, or algae oil to saturate your food with healthy fats. Don’t forget to drizzle some olive oil on top to get good antioxidants and nutrients!
- Organic, grass-fed, antibiotic free meats. Chicken, turkey, lamb, bison, and fish are just a few ideas to start with.
- Little bits of in-season low-glycemic fruits: citrus, apples, pears, berries, avocados, cherries, etc.
Then the higher inflammation foods get challenged when coupled with your food antibody testing or comprehensive picture appears.
Whether you are autoimmune, or not, a healthy and balanced nutrition plan is a good place to start!
Autoimmune Supportive Supplements
Remember, quality is key. Below are the top six supplements we recommend to get you started in supporting your immune system and reducing inflammation that autoimmune disorders can cause.
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin D
- Quercetin
- Black Cumin Seed Oil
- Resveratrol
- MegaSpore (probiotic)
Access all these autoimmune protocol supplements
Remission is the GOAL and it’s possible!
Autoimmune disorders do not need to be feared. Autoimmune specialists, Dr. Starling and Dr. Bogdan have created autoimmune protocols specific to patients and what their body needs. Managing an autoimmune disorder can be done, and people can still live their lives to their fullest potential. Step one is becoming aware if you have an autoimmune disorder. Step two, is owning the responsibility to manage it, don’t let it manage you.
Pasricha, Trisha M.D. 2024. Why does it feel like everyone has an autoimmune disease? The Washington Post.