Benefits To Intermittent Fasting
By Lisa Biederman, CNTP
Intermittent fasting is a tool we use as your Functional Medicine specialist to break vicious cycles in regards to blood sugar spikes and crashes. It is helpful for resetting insulin sensitivity, managing hypoglycemia, and regulating blood sugar. It teaches your body to use ketones, produced from fat, as fuel.
There are two main energy pathways: sugar and ketones. Your body must be able to utilize both effectively for your body to function optimally. Fasting also signals protein clean up in the neuronal cells of the brain. Intermittent fasting usually consists of a fast for 16 – 24 hours.
If you have hypoglycemic tendencies, we often recommend sipping on tea with 1-2 tsp of coconut or MCT oil or eating ½ an avocado during the fast to help keep blood sugar stable without disrupting ketone production. It is best to do only light exercise such as yoga or walking on fast days and be sure to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water.
Good: Stop eating: 7PM Start Eating: 11AM
Ideal: Stop eating: 7PM Start Eating: 7PM
Benefits of Intermittent Fasting
Studies show that intermittent fasting can:
- Increase energy
- Improves cognition, memory and clear-thinking
- Improve insulin resistance
- Reduces levels of circulating IGF-1 and increasing insulin sensitivity without lowering metabolic rate
- May improve immunity, lower diabetes risk, and improve heart health
- Increase production of BDNF ( brain-derived neurotropic factor — a protein that promotes neuron growth and protects the brain from dysfunction and degeneration
- Promote longevity